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The earth inhabits existence in abundance.  It is at once physical, immaterial, mystical, sensual, shadow and light.  A deep, tangible sense of being beyond what is ahead, above, below; a peaceful and enchanting perception of other suns, other universes. Walking, hoping, laughing, crying but accompanied, my steps move forward as guardians guard.  


Existence, space, infinity, being and having, existence, personified and human humus, inhabited and absent earth, universe one day forever restored.  A discovery that exalts me, inhabits me and will guide me until the moment of farewell. Perception widens, all life is there to greet the departing being.  One then faces his last and final encounter.  Nothing that ever was is missing.  The whole being sees, contemplates, forgives himself, and forever is unified, forever discovers… the memory will remain among us: the lamp illuminating the afterlife.  


I swing through existence, all here and all elsewhere, recovering a freshness that pierces air, space and time through the motion of surrender.   


- Daniel LeBlond

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